Downloadable Hazmat Placards

These resources are no longer being maintained. They are left here for those who still find them useful. Note that they adhere to a possibly outdated standard, so use with caution. (June 26th, 2024)

I had difficulty finding vector art of hazmat (hazardous mat­er­ials) pla­cards and labels, so I wound up creating my own.

These were designed according to the De­part­ment of Trans­port­a­tion’s 2009 CFR Title 49, Vol­ume 2 to the best of my abil­ities. I offer no guar­an­tees as to their acc­ur­acy. I haven’t been trained or cert­i­fied in any way. I'm also not very active in maintaining these, so the standard I designed these for may evolve over time. I've had very few legitimate inaccuracies reported over the years, but keep these caveats in mind.

You are free to use these graphics in any way you like, personal or professional. You can credit me or not, I'm not real concerned about it.

Each design is available in PDF and PNG format. The PDF in­cludes a color ver­sion fol­lowed by color sep­ar­a­tions on sub­se­quent pages for each of the un­ique inks used in the sign. The PNGs are samp­led at 300 DPI.


Placards are intended for marking shipping containers, trucks, and cargo. They measure at least 10.8 inches (273mm) on a side.


Labels are smaller, often adhesive signs at least 3.9 inches (100mm) on a side. They are often affixed to individual boxes or crates.